Cassava is native to Brazil and Paraguay, is a staple food in Indonesia and Thailand, as well as some parts of Africa. Its roots serve as a source of starch which is very good. Cassava provides the energy required as fuel, as an active lifestyle.Adding cassava in the daily diet, Dapa offering health benefits because of content of vitamins, minerals and fiber

but only in the consumption of cassava after cooked to avoid exposure to toxins. Here are some healthy content in cassava.
 The content of cassava that is well capable of making it suitable for consumption on a regular basis. 

Some of them have benefits to support the health of the body, such as below :

 Cassava contains nearly twice the calories than potato benefit, perhaps one of the highest for any tubers rich in starch. 100 grams of cassava provides 160 calories. Calories mainly derived from sucrose, forming most of the tubers is accounting for more than 69% of total sugar. Another amylose complex sugars are the major sources of carbohydrates (16-17%).
 Cassava is very low in fat compared to cereals or legumes. Nevertheless, it has more protein than any other tropical food sources such as the benefits of sweet potatoes, potatoes and bananas.As in the roots and other tubers, cassava is also free of gluten. Free food starch, widely used in the preparation of special foods for celiac disease patients.
Besides cassava, young, tender leaves are a source of protein and vitamin K. Vitamin K-has a potential role in building bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone. It also has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.
Cassava is a moderate source of some vitamin B-complex group are valuable. Such as folate, thiamin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin, and pantothenic acid Cassava is one of the main sources of some essential minerals such as zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. In addition, cassava also have a considerable amount of potassium (271 mg per 100g or 6% of RDA). Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

Health Risks On Cassava

        Cassava roots naturally contain poisonous cyanogenic compounds methyl glycoside linamarin and linamarin. Therefore, the consumption of raw cassava can undergo cyanide poisoning with symptoms of vomiting, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, headache, and death.
In general, the cyanide content is much higher in the outer skin. Peeling cassava would reduce the cyanide content including drying in the sun and soaking. Then proceed with cassava with salt water boiling vinegar. Evaporation of this compound will make cassava safe for human consumption.

 Well times just this time we cook traditional Indonesian food made from cassava, the following  steps:


2 medium-size pieces of cassava

8 tablespoons granulated sugar

1/4 tsp salt

Red food coloring, yellow, green

Grated coconut, mix with a little salt,  
steamed briefly

Sugar for topping


move :

1). Grated cassava, cassava waste water pooled in order to facilitate future grate when making balls.

2). Mix the grated cassava with sugar and salt, mix well

3). For cassava grater into three parts, and each gave a red dye, yellow and green.

4). The form of balls and steam for 10 minutes.

5). Once cooked cassava balls, dressing with grated coconut steamed.

6). Arrange in a serving dish, then sprinkle with a little sugar. Serve.


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