Tofu is a food made from fermented soy beans and take the juice. Unlike the original from the Indonesian tempeh, tofu came from China, as well as soy sauce, tauco, Steamed Bun, and meatballs. Tofu is a loan word from the Hokkien language (tauhu) (Hanzi: 豆腐, hanyu pinyin: Doufu), which literally means "fermented soybeans". Know first appeared in China since the Han Dynasty about 2200 years ago. The inventor is Liu An (Hanzi: 劉 安), which is a noble, granddaughter of Emperor Han Gaozu, Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty.

     In Japan known as tofu. Chinese immigrants were taken, the food is spread to East Asia and Southeast Asia, and also eventually to the whole world.
As tempeh, tofu is known as the food of the people. Diverse types know that there are in Indonesia, generally known as the place of manufacture, for example, know Sumedang and know Kediri.

 As a result of processed soybeans, tofu is a mainstay of food for nutrition because they know has a quality vegetable protein because it has the most complete composition of amino acids and is believed to have a high digestibility (85% -98%). Nutrient content in the know, is still less than the animal side dishes, such as eggs, meat and fish. However, with cheaper prices, people tend to prefer eating out as a substitute for animal protein foods to meet nutritional needs. 

In the know there is a wide range of nutritional content, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories and minerals, phosphorus, vitamin B-complex such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin E, vitamin B12, potassium and calcium (useful supporting framework of bone formation). And most importantly, with a content of about 80% unsaturated fatty acids know not contain cholesterol, so it is safe for heart health. In fact, because the content of carbohydrate and low calorie, know one low-calorie diet. 

Behind the delicacy, to reserve their own medical efficacy. A study by the medical team of Canada prove that the idea can reduce bad cholesterol in the body. The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted on 55 men and middle-aged women who suffer from high cholesterol.After following a healthy diet, the partisan included in the diet range from almonds, tofu, raw vegetables, and other types of soy foods. After a year, they measured cholesterol. As a result, those who took out decreased cholesterol greater than consuming any other food group. This decrease may reach 10-20 percent. 

In addition to lowering cholesterol, know also shown to prevent breast cancer. Those who take out 25 percent more likely to increase estrogen formation than not. Their blood pressure was also lower than the group who did not take out. 

Secrets of efficacy found out that there is in the isoflavone content which contain the hormone estrogen. In addition to preventing breast cancer, isoflavones also slows the aging process in women. Isoflavones is not only contained in the know but also on all the soy-based foods such as tempeh, soy milk, soy sauce, and the like. (from various sources).

    Processed know this time we will share with foodlovers that may require inspiration in the process to know at home, is a recipe Semur Know. Cooking stews know it does not need complicated ingredients, how to make easy and only takes 10-15 minutes. 
Cooking stews know is arguably cheap. Processed know which high in protein and low in fat, so the longer suitable for the diet program. Let's find out the recipe.simple stew recipe know 

The main ingredient:

    4 pieces out great (could be more), cut into cubes.
1 liter of clean water.
Soy sauce to taste.
2 tablespoons soy.
Flavoring (if it tastes).
1 teaspoon pepper.
Fried onion.
Oil for frying know. 

How to make a stew out simple 

First, prepare the oil for frying and frying know. Then, only half-cooked fried tofu. Set aside.

 Next, prepare a pot with water. Bring to a boil.add the tofu with other spices. Stir well.Tasting broth. If it fits, turn off the heat, and finally sprinkle stew out with fried shallots.stews out ready to be served.

 Live pit-pit wrote ingredients and seasonings, do not use complicated. Cuisine is simple but tastes guaranteed delicious and filling. semur tahu recipe can be a distraction if you work out in a way that's it.
semur tahu Hopefully this simple recipe can be an alternative cooking at home

Happy cooking :)



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