cucumber, or cucumber (Cucumis sativus L .; pumpkin-labuan rate or
Cucurbitaceae) is a plant that produces edible fruit. The fruit is usually harvested when ripe yet to be vegetables or toners, depending on the species. Cucumbers
can be found in a variety of dishes from around the world and contains
enough water in it so that the cooling function. Pieces of cucumber is also used to help moisturize the face and many are believed to lower high blood pressure.
Habitus cucumber weak herbaceous vines and creeping thing, or half a seasonal crops: after flowering and fruiting plant dies. Perbungaannya monoecious (monoecious) with the type of male flowers and hermaphrodite flowers (pansy). The first flowers are produced, usually at the age of 4-5 weeks, is the male flowers. Flowers pansy flower when next is good growth. One plant can produce 20 pieces, but in cultivation usually limited amount of fruit to produce good fruit size.
The fruit is green when young to arrays yellowish-white lines. The more fruit ripe fruit colors are turned into pale green to white. Elongated fruit shape like a torpedo. The pulp development of part mesokarp, pale yellow to bright orange. The fruit is harvested when still half-ripe and unripe seed physiology. The ripe fruit is usually dry and the seeds are harvested, the color is black.
Habitus cucumber weak herbaceous vines and creeping thing, or half a seasonal crops: after flowering and fruiting plant dies. Perbungaannya monoecious (monoecious) with the type of male flowers and hermaphrodite flowers (pansy). The first flowers are produced, usually at the age of 4-5 weeks, is the male flowers. Flowers pansy flower when next is good growth. One plant can produce 20 pieces, but in cultivation usually limited amount of fruit to produce good fruit size.
The fruit is green when young to arrays yellowish-white lines. The more fruit ripe fruit colors are turned into pale green to white. Elongated fruit shape like a torpedo. The pulp development of part mesokarp, pale yellow to bright orange. The fruit is harvested when still half-ripe and unripe seed physiology. The ripe fruit is usually dry and the seeds are harvested, the color is black.
Cucumber for Health Benefits
Cucumber including fruits that contain lots of water, so it is very fresh. No wonder if the cucumber is often used for facial treatments by way of thinly sliced and put on the face and eyelids. In addition, there are many other benefits to the health of cucumber.Skin careCucumber has diuretic properties, with effect cleans and cools, so it is beneficial for the skin. High water content, vitamin A, B and C, as well as some minerals (magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica) makes this fruit is important for skin care. Facial mask that contains cucumber extract used to tighten the face. In addition, ascorbic acid and caffeic acid contained in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.Digestive functionthe benefits of cucumber
Cucumber including fruits that contain lots of water, so it is very fresh. No wonder if the cucumber is often used for facial treatments by way of thinly sliced and put on the face and eyelids. In addition, there are many other benefits to the health of cucumber.Skin careCucumber has diuretic properties, with effect cleans and cools, so it is beneficial for the skin. High water content, vitamin A, B and C, as well as some minerals (magnesium, potassium, manganese, and silica) makes this fruit is important for skin care. Facial mask that contains cucumber extract used to tighten the face. In addition, ascorbic acid and caffeic acid contained in cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, which in turn reduces the swelling around the eyes.Digestive functionthe benefits of cucumber
Cucumber has many health benefits
fiber content in cucumber can get rid of toxins in the digestive system
that can improve the health of the digestive functions in the body. In
addition, eating this fruit regularly can prevent many diseases
associated with digestion such as gastritis, ulcers, stomach pains, to
constipation or bowel obstruction.

1 cucumber
2 carrots
4 tablespoons peanut roaster
10 chilies
5 spring onions
Seasoning ingredients pickle:
2 cloves of garlic
3 seeds pecan
4 tablespoons vinegar
1 tsp turmeric fine
1 cup coconut milk
How to make:
Puree chili seasoning, garlic and hazelnut
Add turmeric and saute until fragrant
Enter the carrots and mix with coconut milk
Heat until boiling
Add vinegar, sugar, peppers and onions
Stir until well blended
If the onion already looks wilted, enter mendtimun
Add bean roaster
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