Egg crust is a food native to the area of ​​Jakarta (Batavia), with ingredients white glutinous rice, egg, ebi (shrimp dry pickled) roasted dried plus fried onion and seasoned mashed form of coconut roasted red peppers, kencur , ginger, pepper grains, salt and sugar. 

Discuss the typical food of Jakarta will surely directly fixed on Egg crust. Typical foods that currently can only be found in Jakarta this particular event was still much in demand by most people in Jakarta. Basically, we all know that the typical cuisine of Indonesia has no doubt deliciousness. Almost the entire territory of Indonesia has a unique culinary each region. And you would never hear or feel the typical snacks that this is one egg crust.

 Egg crust, hear the name of this food of course we all know the typical culinary jakarta unquestionable taste and deliciousness. Surely you ever tries a typical meal of this one. Egg crust usually the food is the most sought after the end of the Jakarta Fair or the more we know today PRJ. Because rarely even very difficult for us to meet this jakarta typical food in a typical day. 
Historically crust Egg existing at the time of the Dutch colonized Indonesia in the first time. Where all originated from trial and error in tens of years ago, when Batavia or Jakarta is still filled with palm trees. Betawi herd Menteng fraudulent mixing between the sticky rice, grated coconut and other spices. Fad many neighbors are like. In the 1970s they began to try their luck with selling the unique recipe in Monas area. Turns hard sell even seemed to be characteristic Betawi. Egg crust had become elite food Betawi famous delicacy of taste. 

Egg crust is a legacy of the past where aat the city called Jakarta is still a lot of coconut trees. Because first results are very abundant oil that makes Jakarta the past called Sunda coconut. Coconut when it is abundant very used by city dwellers to make dishes such as Nasi Uduk, Soto Betawi, Kerak Jakarta Egg and other specialties. No wonder so many unique culinary Jakarta contains coconut milk.How to make this cuisine is quite unique. Currently Egg already half-baked crust, the pan will be reversed and left exposed as he fanned the embers so that embers still burning. After a rather dry and overcooked then crust Eggs ready to be served. Egg crust ingredients made from rice and glutinous aron undercooked eggs mixed with chicken or duck eggs along with the marinade. Hopefully this Jakarta typical food can remain in the middle of the competition and the invasion of western fast food.

How To Make Egg crust (Betawi) following at home.How To Make Egg crust recipe (Betawi) 

Material :

100 grams of white glutinous rice, washed and soaked with water about 2 hours.
5 eggs duck.
5 tablespoons of fried onions.
5 tablespoons serundeng.
5 pieces of cayenne pepper, finely sliced.
5 teaspoons of salt.
2 1/2 teaspoons pepper powder.
2 1/2 teaspoons of sugar.
5 tablespoons dried shrimp powder. 

How To Make Egg crust (Betawi):

Heat a frying pan until hot enough egg crust.

    Put one tablespoon of vegetable sticky rice soaked in water along, cover and cook about 2-3 minutes.

    Open the lid, then give 1 egg, 1 tablespoon fried onions, 1 tbsp serundeng, 1/2 tbsp dried shrimp, 1 piece 

    of cayenne pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder and 1/2 tsp sugar and stir well.

    Flatten the side of the frying approximately 20 cm, back cover and cook until fragrant.

    Behind frying eggs until licked fire crust and the upper surface of the burning fragrant. Serve. Please :)


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