Coconut water contains cytokinin is believed to be an anti-aging ingredient and anti-cancer, a source of natural electrolyte sterile and contain high levels of potassium, chlorine, and chlorine is high.In the food industry, coconut water is used as raw material in the manufacture of soy sauce and nata de coco. While in a state of fresh, young coconut water is a beverage that menyegarkan.Sebenarnya, coconut water has long been known as a source of growth substances, namely cytokines. In addition, coconut water also contains protein, less fat, minerals, carbohydrates, and various vitamins (C and B complex) benefits of the berry coconut water for health and beauty are as follows: 
1. Coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic, which is to facilitate urination. 

2. Young coconut water mixed with a little lemon juice is useful to treat dehydration, as well as to combat the worms in the stomach disturbances small children. 

3. Milk mixed with coconut water is very good for children's food. The mixture of coconut water have properties to prevent clotting of the milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and indigestion. 
4. Young coconut water can help overcome the toxic effects of sulfa drugs and other anti-Biotika, making these drugs more rapidly absorbed by the blood. 

5. Coconut water can cure or eliminate acne, dark spots, wrinkles face that comes early, the skin dries out and becomes visible face radiant. Use membasuhkannya done in the face of continuously every day. 

6. Coconut water mixed with a little honey is a tonic that is cheap, but nutritious. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and negate the harmful effects of excessive sexual desire. 

7. Coconut water is also good as a cure brokhitis chronic constipation, and hemorrhoids.

8. Coconut water can cure acne. As a way of making their formula is as follows: 25 g of turmeric paste is mixed with a glass of coconut water and allowed sernalam, then added with 3 teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir-stir all ingredients until smooth, then set aside (saved) left undisturbed for 3 days. The concoction is then filtered with three layers of gauze, is stored in bottles and used topically on the face twice a day until the acne is gone. 

9. Coconut water is efficacious as a cure wounds, itching, broken foot, and eczema. As a way of making their formula is as follows: a handful of rice soaked in coconut water along the shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, and then the rice is milled to be flour (finely pureed). Rice flour is applied every day for 3-4 days in the sick body. 

10. Young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure, a burn treatment and to relieve the heat on the soles and palms. 

11. green coconut water mixed with lemon juice and taken regularly, efficacious as a cure dengue fever. 

12. Young coconut water condensed overnight and in the morning drunk regularly every day can make the sound becomes soft and melodious. 

13. Green coconut water mixed with 1 teaspoon salt and is used to wash the hair, efficacious prevent the growth of gray hair.
Reference: TTG.Aneka Processed Coconut By Ir. H. Rahmat Rukmana, MBA., M.Sc and other sources

Tempe bacem :

    Bacem a distinctive flavor seasoning Indonesia, this spice is usually known in the area and surrounding jogja, some say it's hard to cook tempeh bacem, this recipe it, and need a long time. That's the word yah :) Actually make tempeh bacem not as difficult as people say, marinade simple really. Curious? The following recipe chef how to make tempeh bacem present for the Mother of all.


     9 pcs tempeh (for bacem), cut into medium
     3 bay leaves.
     1 tsp tamarind.
     2 pcs coconut water from coconuts.
     Cooking oil, to taste (for frying).

Seasoning (puree):

     3 cloves garlic
     6 spring onions
     1 vertebra galangal, crushed.
     1 tbsp coriander
     50 grams of brown sugar
     Salt to taste

How to make:
     Puree all ingredients. Put it in a pot, coconut milk, ginger, bay leaves, tamarind and spices. Stir until all      ingredients are well mixed.
Enter Tempe. Cover the pot.
Boil until water runs out so the flavors mingle coconut
Then fry until lightly browned.
Tempe bacem ready to be served

                                                                    Tempe bacem


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