Grilled shrimp is one of the menu dishes are much in demand by the public . It was said that the shrimp are made by burning it has its own characteristics , ranging from pristine taste , aroma and appearance get a delicious baked shrimp is indeed Sunggu tempting. Grilled shrimp usually served as a side dish for a meal , but the grilled shrimp can also be enjoyed with a variety of other dishes such as fried noodles, rice cake, rhombus and so forth . Grilled shrimp that will be presented this time is grilled shrimp with spicy savory seasoning that can shake your tongue when enjoyed it . For those of you who do not like the baked shrimp , shrimp can be cooked in a way that others such as sauteed shrimp, oyster sauce , sweet and sour shrimp and other types of cuisine . Well, we just make a recipe how to make grilled shrimp. How to Make Fuel Seasoning Spicy Shrimp Material : 500 g fresh shrimp large